Challenger Middle School Band


All -State/All-County Band
Concert/ Jazz Band
Beg band
Fee Lists
Booster Join
Booster Meetings
Event/Trip(s) Information
FBA Festival Information
Smart Music
Contact Us



Pg. 1 Introduction, Bands/Ensembles offered, Sheet music, Concert dress, Practice


Pg. 2 Punctuality, Sectionals, Band Officers, Awards, Band events


Pg. 3 Request for excuse, Extra events, Extra help, Responsibilities of Students, Communications, Ways parents can help


Pg.4 Band trips, Overnight trips, Fundraising


Pg. 5 Portfolios, Transportation to Events



Pg. 6 Contract Agreement for Music students –CHECK CALENDAR FOR RETURN DATES


Pg. 7 Student participation permission form - CHECK CALENDAR FOR RETURN DATES

 *****************************                                                        Pg 1

Dear Band Student and Parent,                                                                                                


We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to the Challenger Middle School Music Program.  We are looking forward with excitement to the coming school year.  We have written a handbook for this year so that every band student and his/her family will know what to expect and what is expected of them as a member of the CMS Band.  Please read this handbook carefully so that all the band policies will be clear to you.



Mr. Daniels



The following performance ensembles are offered.  Bands and ensembles are open to all CMS students.  Auditions and/or director approval are required

- -Beginning band

--Concert band

--Jazz Band

--Percussion Ensemble

--Various Woodwind and Brass Ensembles



There will be many pieces of music provided for use by the members of the band throughout the year. Each student is responsible for his/her music. The student must put his/her name on the back of each sheet (in pencil) and number each measure. The student may be asked to return the music at any time. There will be a charge for lost or damaged music.



Students will need their own part of the concert uniform. . The School will provide a bow tie and cummerbund (symphonic band).  Students need:

    a. Black dress trousers

    b. White long sleeve button down shirt

    c. Black socks

    d. Black dress shoes

Any colors other than black are unacceptable. Any deviation of this will result in the student’s removal from a performance. 




As a member of the band, daily practice is the most important thing the student can do for himself/herself and the band. The director expects every member of the band to take instruments home daily and practice at least 30 minutes.  Here are some practice hints to make student practice sessions easier and more efficient:

1. Set aside a definite time to practice.

2. Prepare your environment: no noise or distractions.

    Use a chair and place your music so that your posture

    will be correct (use music stand).

3. Practice for results, rather than time 1) start with a warm – up 2) practice      music not yet mastered 3) end  

    practice with something fun to play.

4. Private lessons can be of great benefit to the individual

    student and the overall band program.

**************************************************                                  Pg. 2


Being prepared and on time is something we deal with throughout our lives. When a student arrives on time, everything starts smoothly. When a student arrives late they not only hurt their chance of doing well but also affect the entire band. A group is unable to begin until all members are present and ready to begin. Performing music is a difficult task. The individual student and the band as a whole need all the available time possible to be adequately prepared. As a member of the band it is the student's responsibility to do whatever it takes to be on time.



All Wind Ensemble band students need to attend a sectional for their instruments one day a week. We will follow the schedule below:

Sectionals begin the 2nd week of November through the 3rd week of March

Monday-             Trumpets After school for 1 hour

Tuesday-             Low Brass After school for 1 hour

Wednesday-        Flutes after school for 1 hour

Thursday-           Clarinets one hour before school

                            French Horns and Saxophones after school for 1 hour

Friday -                Percussion one hour before school   


Please bring any conflicts to the attention of the Director a week in advance.


Conflicts may cause some days and times to be changed.  Sectional rehearsals are very important. We will work on basics of specific instruments and challenges with music. Please avoid scheduling appointments, etc. on the day of rehearsals. All students will need to purchase a music book for this rehearsal.



The following is a list of band officers and their duties:

Secretaries (1-for each band) - will be involved in any administrative aspects of the band.

Librarian (1- for each band) - will be involved in the handling of all music to be distributed and collected from band students.

Section (squad) leaders

Student aides –see lists in the band room for jobs



Each student in band is expected to contribute in a positive way. The directors will recognize the outstanding efforts of the students by presenting awards twice a year, during the Winter Concert and Spring Concert seasons. The qualities we look for in determining the recipients of these awards are attendance, preparation for class, leadership, and willingness to help the band. The awards given are listed below:


Outstanding Section                              Outstanding Performing Section

Most Improved Section                         Louis Armstrong Award

Musicianship Award                              Directors Award

Merit Award Sousa Award



Band events can be divided into two categories:


Sectionals are practice sessions with like instruments.

(They will be held according to the schedule given earlier in

this handbook).  Performances include any activity that the band performs in public (band festivals, school concert, evening concerts, etc.)


Each band member will receive a grade for each band event and is required to attend all band events. Repeated unexcused absences will result in disciplinary consequences.

**************************************************   Pg. 3


This form is to be filled out if the student has a conflict with a band activity.  These forms are to be given to the director at least one week in advance.  It is the students' responsibility to check with the director to see if the request has been approved.  Avoid scheduling family events, appointments, etc. during the time student is expected to be with the band.  There will be a calendar of events given to each student on the first day of school.



Besides the events of which all members of the band will be a part, there are other musical events in which each individual student has a chance to participate; Solo/ensemble festivals, All-State, All-County and the Florida Band Association festivals are some such events. These activities are a great chance for the student to expand his/her knowledge of music. It is also a good chance for the student to receive recognition for the hard work that he/she is doing every day.



The director will be available to help students with any music. Events like Solo, All-State, All-County and some FBA Festivals require extra work by the student and extra help sessions with the director. The director will be happy to work with any student throughout the school year. See the director to set up a time for assistance.



Attend every band event

Be on time to class, rehearsals, and performances

Take instrument home and practice daily

Treat uniform, music, and instrument with proper care

Inform the director of any conflict in advance (excuse forms)

Have mouthpiece etc. in school so you may use a school instrument if instrument is out for repair.


Communication is one of the keys to having a smooth and successful year. The director at CMS wish to communicate with both the students and the parents as much as possible. We welcome parents' and students' questions to find out about the band activities as well as visit any time during the school year.  The directors will utilize the Parent Link system, e-mail, band Website and letters to parents to communicate important information.


School Phone: 239-242-4341

Mr. Daniels E- Mail:



The director wants and needs parent participation at any time. The band will be involved in many events throughout the year and help from the parents can make these events easier and a lot more fun. Listed below are some of the ways parents can help.

1. Attend all performances

2. Help students be on time for each event

3. Encourage and praise the efforts of each student

4. Chaperone trips

5. Provide special help at fundraiser


Your child will be working hard all year to play his/her instrument and make the CMS Band the very best. The public performances the band gives are the best way for the students to show and receive recognition for the hard work that they do. There is a special thrill when the students perform for a large audience. The CMS Music Department hopes you; your family, and friends will attend all the band events scheduled during the coming year.

  *********************************************                                                                                                                                  Pg. 4


During the course of the year the band we will be traveling on buses several times. The following guidelines must be followed to ensure order and safety during these trips. While traveling, chaperones will monitor student activities. If a chaperone asks a student to stop or to do something instructions are to be followed without question. All chaperones are to be treated with courtesy and respect.

1.     All students must ride the bus to every event. Any student that fails to ride the bus will be prohibited from performing in that event. Please be sure to be on time to avoid missing the bus departure time.

2.     Bus sign-up forms will be posted during the first week of school.  Students are to choose a bus carefully because they will be riding it for the rest of the season. At no time are students to change buses midway into the year.

3.     Large instruments are to be put in the equipment truck.

4.     Any student that wishes to ride home form an event with their parents must have a note signed by the parent. This note is to be given to the band director before the buses leave school.

5.     No blankets will be permitted on the buses.

6.     Radios and CD players will be permitted with headphones. At the driver’s discretion, these may be played without headphones if the noise is in no way determined to be a safety hazard. Make no assumption that radios or CD players may be used on bus trip.                                                                                                                   


Several weeks prior to any overnight trip, a bulletin will be circulated with all of the pertinent information concerning the trip. Information such as cost, room assignments and itinerary will be included in this bulletin.

    The following guidelines will be followed for all over night trips.                                               

1.     All students’ luggage will be checked before being loaded. Alcohol, tobacco or any other illegal substances are prohibited. Any items found in luggage will be cause for forfeiture of band membership.  Any student found with any of these items in his/her possession during the trip will be immediately sent home and face the actions earlier discussed.

2.     Students will be housed four to a room. Room assignments will be made prior to departure.

3.     No members of the opposite sex may enter an assigned hotel room at any time.

4.     The director will set a curfew for each night. “Lights out” will be one-half hour after curfew. Any items delivered to rooms after curfew (pizza, etc.) become the property of the director after the student pays for it.

5.     When extremely late-night bus travel becomes necessary, buses will be segregated by sex at a designated curfew time. This rule is set by the FHSAA and will be followed.


Common sense is the best rule when traveling. The stated guidelines are certainly reasonable, and students will be expected to follow them. Any violation of these rules will result in the student being sent home at his own expense, forfeiture of membership in the Charger Band and disciplinary action from the administration of Challenger Middle School. Students are expected to act sensibly during these trips, as they are considered ambassadors of Challenger Middle School Middle School and must act accordingly.



The band will hold fundraisers throughout the year.  Students will be informed as to which ones (cheesecake/cookie dough sale etc.) they may make money to go into their student accounts for the upcoming year’s trip.  This money can only be used for that year’s trip. Any monies not used will be absorbed into the band’s internal account to pay for buses, music, and instrument repair.

*********************************************** Pg. 5  


Student will receive class syllabus for each class. Some of the items each student needs to achieve will be kept in a portfolio.  This portfolio will be a part of the grading process and the end of each semester. 

The following is a list of some of the items to be kept in the portfolio:

  1. Concert programs
  2. FBA solo/ensemble results
  3. All-County band programs
  4. After school hours performances
  5. Private lessons records


Transportation to Events



From time to time, it is necessary to transport students via private vehicles.  We need to have on file permission for each student to travel in a private vehicle.  Please initial the appropriate choice(s) of travel for your child.  Students and parents must sign and date bottom of form.


1.     _____ Student may ride with another parent.



Student’s signature_____________________________________Date________________


Parent’s signature______________________________________Date_________________



Driver Information

Necessary information for all drivers (teachers, parents) will need to be on file for the duration of the year and includes the following:


  1. Driver’s Name______________________________


  1. Driver License Number_______________________


  1. Car Registration Number______________________


  1. Make and Model of Car__________________________


  1. Insurance Company Name_________________________ Policy Number______________________


  1. License Plate Number of Car________________________ State______________________________

**************************************  Pg. 6

CONTRACT AGREEMENT FOR MUSIC STUDENTS                                                               

The success of any music program is dependent upon teamwork, with each student completing his/her assigned task.  With that understanding, all students who enroll in the music program, and their parents, are to sign this music contract.


Following is a quote from the course descriptions for performance-oriented classes.  "As a co-curricular performance oriented activity, attendance is required for rehearsals and performances beyond regular school hours."  These include, but are not limited to:




Performances for school, community, etc.

Extra rehearsals as required


Exceptions to this policy are


Religious holidays

Handicapped students whose handicap prohibits transportation

Documented illness

Family emergency as approved by the school administration


I have read the CMS Band Program handbook and will make every attempt to meet all the requirements outlined with in to make my band successful.


Student Name ( please print)_________________________


Student Signature_________________________________________





Parent Name (please print)__________________________________



Parent Signature__________________________________________




********************************** Pg.7                                                                                                               




STUDENT NAME:___________________ AGE:____ BIRTH DATE:_________


Grade ___  Instrument  ___________ 


ADDRESS:____________________________Home Phone _____________

                                                      (Street. city, ZIP)                                                                                          (Parent’s)

E_Mail Address  ___________________________


FATHER'S NAME:___________________ MOTHER'S NAME:_______________________


FATHER'S EMPLOYMENT_______________________________________________


MOTHER'S EMPLOYMENT ______________________________________________


WORK PHONE:___________________     WORK PHONE:_________________________


FAMILY PHYSICIAN:_______________________ PHONE:_______________________


INSURANCE COMPANY:______________________ POLICY NO. ___________________


HOSPITAL PREFERENCE (IN LEE COUNTY):____________________________________


GENERAL  HEALTH:______________________ LAST DATE OF TETANUS SHOT:_________




CHILDHOOD DISEASES:__________________________________________________


SERIOUS INJURIES OR ILLNESSES:__________________________________________



- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


I, ______________________, as the parent or legal guardian of __________________, give permission for him/her to participate in all scheduled activities of the Challenger Middle School Band, including related travel. I certify that the above-listed information is accurate to the best of my knowledge.  I hereby grant permission for the supervising director to act “in loco parentis" in the event of any medical emergency and if I cannot be contacted.


Parent Signature:__________________________ Date:___________









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