Challenger Middle School Band

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Trip Tips

                                                         April 23,2009

We want the students to realize that we are serious about this trip. This includes general behavior and their daily work in class (how often they practice, performance attendance etc.).  Their maturity level must be very high for us to be able to have a successful trip.  A successful trip this year will lead to other trips in the future.


We will meet at 6:00 am on the Challenger bus ramp. For the trip to the performance please plan to be on the bus NO later than 4:00pm – We will return to Challenger at 9:30 pm.


A.   All school policies and rules apply.

B.    Individuals must follow appropriate concert etiquette at the performance.

C.    The Wind Ensemble needs a change of clothes for day (following the performance) at the park.

D.   Students will wear appropriate clothing at all times.

E.    Bring sunscreen, etc.

F.    You will need cash for your meals –don’t leave yourself short.

G.   Stay with your group at all times! Be flexible. Never travel ALONE anywhere even for a few minutes.

H.   Each chaperone group will share cell phone numbers with each other in case you get separated.

I.      First Aid check phone number from a Magic Kingdom phone is 4989.

J.     Chaperones are a necessity to our organization.  If you encounter a specific problem with a chaperone, talk with the director.  Under no circumstance will "back talk" be permitted.  


How you behave on this trip will affect what trips and events we undertake in the future!    Please consider how what you do affects others.



Challenger Middle School Band Shirts


Price per Shirt - $13.25


Other merchandise also available includes:  Other Clothing, cups, mouse pad, clock, hats, buttons and magnets.  The band will be reimbursed 50% of the profits of every item purchased from the website.


Contact us for additional information and dates about activities we offer.