Challenger Middle School Band

Booster Meetings

All -State/All-County Band
Concert/ Jazz Band
Beg band
Fee Lists
Booster Join
Booster Meetings
Event/Trip(s) Information
FBA Festival Information
Smart Music
Contact Us

Booster Meeting Schedule



The Boosters are dedicated to helping the BAND.  We need your help to offer our students the best musical experience possible.  Even if you can only help for 2 or 3 hours at one event, please sign up!!


Plan to attend our monthly meetings (see schedule below, some dates may change) at 6:30 P. M. in the Middle School Band room. Be on the look out for information about summer practice dates and information concerning the start of the school year. There will be a letter included about areas and events we hope you will volunteer for.

Please call if you any questions, comments, or suggestions, 458-6692.



Minutes from Meetings

9/4/08    Parent Meeting Band                                     

CMS               Vol. 1

  1. First few weeks
    1. Form returns –trips etc.
    2. Beginning band to advanced
    3. Parent Link and e-mail
    4. Student practice – extra help
    5.  All-County auditions –Oct. 21 ,however
    6. Calendar
    7. Handbook
    8. Web site
    9. Portfolios –forms
    10. Lockers
    11. Instrument care
    12. Procedures
    13. Overwhelming


  1. Wind Ensemble/Concert
    1. Big step
    2. Back then forward
    3. Polo shirts/method books –which class you’re in


  1. Beginning band
    1. First weeks do
    2. Start playing 9/8 need ALL materials – get where ever -but
    3. How we picked instruments –Tryouts, homework, pitch test
    4. Lockers -practice
    5. Instrument care –school esp., book, reeds etc. paper, pencil
    6. Extra help
    7. Takes time


  1. Booster Ideas
    1. Sign Up sheet
    2. Send out news release to the area newspapers and television
    3. Coordinate our monthly newsletter
    4. Invite other administrators and community leaders to events
    5. Be present School Board meetings
    6. Be present at CRT meetings
    7. Coordinate donations from the community
    8. Grant writing
    9. Drivers finger printed



Please call or e-mail us with questions on the various programs.